Sunday, July 26, 2009


It is early Sunday morning. Sunday has always been my favorite day of the week. I love to be in worship, sing the hymns, listen to the words of the message and receive a spiritual "boost" for the week ahead. I told Carl as he left last night that I was so disappointed at not being out of the hospital in time to go to church. I could feel my spirit being dragged down at the thought of missing worship. So I got my bible out and read and read and read until I could keep my eyes open no more. I stayed in the Psalms. Verse by verse I was uplifted and literally felt my heavy spirit floating away.

And this morning there is no sadness, no heaviness. I am standing, looking out the window of my hospital room at the most beautiful sunrise that God has painted for me to enjoy. And I will have worship, here at this window, before my Most Holy God. I will sing to Him. I will praise Him and I will receive the message He has for me today as I read His word.

And despite this small setback, Sunday is still my favorite day of the week!!